Medicinal Mushrooms: Turkey Tail

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The power of medicinal mushrooms are vast. As we learn more we will very likely be carrying many types, but for now we have a base that we think are so helpful for our canine and feline friends. The first mushroom we brought into the shop was Turkey Tail. The amount of research behind this mushroom is immense. It is the first medicinal mushroom that the FDA has funded for research in the fight against various types of cancer. We brought it in for it’s cancer fighting properties, but it’s far more beneficial than we originally thought.

Turkey Tail

Turkey tail Mushrooms have been used for healing in Chinese medicine since nearly 200 BC. Rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, triterpenes, beta glucans and prebiotics. This combination makes these little fungi a powerhouse for healing.

Turkey Tail & Cancer

This is what we use turkey tail for with our dog Arrow, who has pancreatic cancer. He is not alone either. 1 in 4 dogs will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime, and nearly half of dogs over 10 will. In Japan they have been using Turkey Tail alongside conventional treatments for cancer since the 1980s. The beta-glucans and triterpenes in these mushrooms have both been proven to have anti-tumor and chemopreventative effects! Research shows that turkey tail mushrooms can help slow the spread of cancer cells, and when used in tandem with other traditional cancer treatments, improves survival rates.

Turkey Tail slows the aging process

Due to its high amounts of antioxidants, turkey tail can help slow the aging process by neutralizing and removing free radicals which cause oxidative stress in the body.

Turkey Tail as a prebiotic

They feed the beneficial probiotics in the gut. The gut is also the home of our immune cells. So when we’re feeding the beneficial bacteria in our gut it helps to strengthen our immune system at the same time. It can be found in our probiotic ‘The Wolf’ as the prebiotic.

Turkey Tail & Immune Support

Turkey tail mushrooms are proven immune modulators. So not only are they helping the immune system by feeding probiotics, they’re also helping to either strengthen a weak immune system or weaken an overacting system. Helping fight disease and even allergies!

Like with most products we recommend, rotation is key! We recommend rotating through a variety of medicinal mushrooms. We have recently brought in chaga which you will be getting a blog post about very soon. Although we prefer liquid extracts (due to their bioavailability and their full range spectrum benefits), we also have a Mushroom Superblend powder as well. Rotating through these different mushrooms allows the body to absorb and utilize the medicinal aspects and ancient wisdom of all of these phenomenal fungi. Giving your dog even more ways to either fight their cancer diagnosis, like Arrow, or just help them live a longer and healthier life.


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